
5:16 PM Posted In Edit This
Who am I to assume that as an adult I already have all the answers. What if I start asking questions again, like I did when I was 4.

Why is the sky blue?
Why do I close my eyes whenever I sneeze?
Why do we have two ears and one mouth?
Why is there a lightning before a thunder?
Why does my nose run when I have a cold?
Why does my skin burn in the sun?
Why does a crab walk sideways?
Why do dogs and cats have whiskers?
Why can a cat climb trees and a dog can’t?
Why do we cry when we are sad?
Why is there day and night?
Why can’t I float?
Why do boys’ voices change during puberty?
Why do people hunt for sports?
Why is the moon sometimes a crescent and sometimes round?
Why do people have different skin colour?
Why is chilli hot?
Why does ice cream melt in the sun?
Why do people gossip?
Why do we believe in rumours?
Why is there war?
Why do people get cancer?
Why do we age?
Why was there a Holocaust?
Why do we have prejudices?
Why are there traffic jams?
Why are there road bullies?
Why do people rush from place to place?
Why am I lonely?
Why am I born?
Why do we suffer?
Why do I get butterflies in my tummy?
Why are there tooth fairies?
Why do some countries practise apartheid?
Why are the keys on a piano black and white?
Why are there geniuses?
Why are some people born blind?
Why are some people born deaf?
Why are some people born mute?
Why are there more right handed people than left handed?
Why do I laugh till I cry?
Why are some people born rich and some poor?
Why are ducklings able to swim immediately?
Why am I shorter than my sister?
Why do people have different emotions?
Why do I need to go to school?
Why are there four seasons?
Why do I need to have a sense of belonging?
Why am I easily dissatisfied?
Why am I a shopaholic?
Why is there addiction?