Poor yet Wealthy

2:39 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Since starting out on my little business, I find that I have to be more prudent with my expenses. I've given up on shopping sprees during sales. I have to forget about dining in restaurants and impulsive food indulgence. I've moved into a rented room and have to part with some material possessions.

Selling food, have brought me face to face with so many other little miracles. I find that I no longer live in a corporate glass bubble. I've become more down to earth because of the people I meet and the daily simple things that greet me each day.

I appreciate the abundance of mother nature, that each morning, I can pluck leaves for the food I cook (like daun kaduk, pandan, kaffir lime leaves) in the wild around my house.

I have met strangers who have been so kind, encouraging and helpful. My customer plucked herbs from her garden to give me for my food!

There's the cleaner and his wife who just had a 3 month old baby girl. And as they go about their work cleaning the compound, the pram is placed in front of my shop. I hear the sweet sounds of a baby's gargle and coos.

Nothing beats a parents love and devotion for their child. Throughout my 'probationary period', my parents came relentlessly every day to work for me. My dad texted me every other day with words of hope. I had a lunch box from mum. What did I do to receive this much love?

I befriended an old lady, my customer. She extended so much kindness, warmth and praise for me. Strangely I met her daughter. I wanted to put all the plates food on a tray and serve them. But the daughter said, "Don't help her, let her take her food herself. She must work hard." I can't explain this encounter. Nor will I judge the daughter.

There's a family of 3. The father has no legs and he has lost some fingers on both hands. Yet, he affords his family a normal life. They appeared happy. He is still able to drive from state to state to take his entire family for a vacation.

My guru who gave me free yoga classes because I am financially too tight to pay for classes.

I realised I can do with far fewer possessions in my life. I feel lighter and there's less attachment to material.

I believe that life has given me so much abundance through love, friendship, kindness (of friends, family and strangers) and my harvest from Mother Nature. I appreciate people more and I don't immediately judge others anymore. I think that being wealthy isn't about how much you own, but how much you have lived and allowed others to touch and enter your life.

Being wealthy is about how much you have given and shared yourself with others.

Quiet Love

2:28 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
I was at work when my housemate called to inform that my dog, Happy ran away. She was distraught and it was 6pm then. I finished work and rushed home at 9pm. Happy did not return.
I went into my bedroom, sat on the floor and covered my face with hands as I cried. After half an hour of weeping, I looked up and saw my other dog, Buf sitting queitly at my bedroom door watching me. She just stood there for as long as I was crying. Then I managed a weak smile, opened my arms wide and she walked towards my welcoming gesture. She started to lick the tears off my wet face.
I remember the many times when I just had to talk or confide in a friend to get the load out of my chest. I remember too, how frequently my story was interrupted by friends who then reply with a lengthy advice or opinion of the situation. Howabout just allowing me the chance to speak because my heart is so heavy? I wasn't expecting a solution or advice. I just wanted some one to listen and be around for that moment. No need to talk, we talk too much anyhow. So much more comfort can be extended through a quiet embrace.
Oh ya, Happy my runaway little rascal returned at 10pm with a limp and a swollen foot.