God make me into a TV
5:40 PM Posted In My Poetry Edit ThisA prayer by a 12 year old to God
Dear God, turn me into a television
So that I can have the central place in the house and be treated like a lord.
My family living room.
Where everyone in the house will congregate
Anytime of the day, from dawn until way past late
Mom and sister crying over a soap opera
Pa and my brother yelling and cheering over a football match.
For God, the television gets all the tears, laughter and hoorah!
My brother and sister would fight over the remote control
While Pa, despite being tired at the end of the day, still wants to watch the TV
As for Ma when I’m naughty, prefers the TV and simply ignores me.
God, I’m beginning to feel like an imbecile
As it’s just been quite a while
That I last spoke to my father and mother
Or see my family sitting together
To talk during dinner.
I’m beginning to think
Is it because, I’m repulsive
With my akward growing pains and pimply face
I am not as interesting or attractive
Like our 52 inches plasma TV
So God, if I do wake up tomorrow
And become a TV
Make me intelligent, funny and witty
So that I can make everyone happy.