2:39 PM
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Since starting out on my little business, I find that I have to be more prudent with my expenses. I've given up on shopping sprees during sales. I have to forget about dining in restaurants and impulsive food indulgence. I've moved into a rented room and have to part with some material possessions.
Selling food, have brought me face to face with so many other little miracles. I find that I no longer live in a corporate glass bubble. I've become more down to earth because of the people I meet and the daily simple things that greet me each day.
I appreciate the abundance of mother nature, that each morning, I can pluck leaves for the food I cook (like daun kaduk, pandan, kaffir lime leaves) in the wild around my house.
I have met strangers who have been so kind, encouraging and helpful. My customer plucked herbs from her garden to give me for my food!
There's the cleaner and his wife who just had a 3 month old baby girl. And as they go about their work cleaning the compound, the pram is placed in front of my shop. I hear the sweet sounds of a baby's gargle and coos.
Nothing beats a parents love and devotion for their child. Throughout my 'probationary period', my parents came relentlessly every day to work for me. My dad texted me every other day with words of hope. I had a lunch box from mum. What did I do to receive this much love?
I befriended an old lady, my customer. She extended so much kindness, warmth and praise for me. Strangely I met her daughter. I wanted to put all the plates food on a tray and serve them. But the daughter said, "Don't help her, let her take her food herself. She must work hard." I can't explain this encounter. Nor will I judge the daughter.
There's a family of 3. The father has no legs and he has lost some fingers on both hands. Yet, he affords his family a normal life. They appeared happy. He is still able to drive from state to state to take his entire family for a vacation.
My guru who gave me free yoga classes because I am financially too tight to pay for classes.
I realised I can do with far fewer possessions in my life. I feel lighter and there's less attachment to material.
I believe that life has given me so much abundance through love, friendship, kindness (of friends, family and strangers) and my harvest from Mother Nature. I appreciate people more and I don't immediately judge others anymore. I think that being wealthy isn't about how much you own, but how much you have lived and allowed others to touch and enter your life.
Being wealthy is about how much you have given and shared yourself with others.
2:28 PM
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I was at work when my housemate called to inform that my dog, Happy ran away. She was distraught and it was 6pm then. I finished work and rushed home at 9pm. Happy did not return.
I went into my bedroom, sat on the floor and covered my face with hands as I cried. After half an hour of weeping, I looked up and saw my other dog, Buf sitting queitly at my bedroom door watching me. She just stood there for as long as I was crying. Then I managed a weak smile, opened my arms wide and she walked towards my welcoming gesture. She started to lick the tears off my wet face.
I remember the many times when I just had to talk or confide in a friend to get the load out of my chest. I remember too, how frequently my story was interrupted by friends who then reply with a lengthy advice or opinion of the situation. Howabout just allowing me the chance to speak because my heart is so heavy? I wasn't expecting a solution or advice. I just wanted some one to listen and be around for that moment. No need to talk, we talk too much anyhow. So much more comfort can be extended through a quiet embrace.
Oh ya, Happy my runaway little rascal returned at 10pm with a limp and a swollen foot.
9:17 PM
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My friend's dog, Buf was defending her territory and food and attacked my new dog Happy. She pounced on him and was violent. I was shocked and shaken from her aggression towards the new comer. But what took me over later, left me with shame. I was overcome with rage and in that moment after the attack, I set upon Buf by slapping and kicking her. I saw the confusion in her eyes as she looked up at me. That night I tossed and turned in bed because I was filled with so much guilt at my lost of judgement and rational. I kept repeating over and over again, I'm sorry Buf, I'm sorry.
The next morning, when I opened the front door, climbing on me excitedly and licking my face, hands, was this wonderful little soul/dog, Buf. She had forgotten the beating. She had forgiven me.
I think of the many times someone has done me wrong and my need to be righteous. The grudge, the spite I held against this person. I ask myself now, is there a need to be right at the course of breaking a relationghip? But, what is even worse is my inability to forgive myself for the wrong or hurt that I've caused upon another. Till this day, I could not forgive myself for hurting my ex-fiancee and his family. It has been 4 years and yet I remember certain incidents of spiteful words and my own cruelty. I would weep. My ex-fiancee happened to contact me again (recently) after our separation, my first message was, "Please forgive me for having hurt you and your family". He said,"All is forgiven 4 years ago".
If I could have the short term memory of my dog Buf, and just forgive, perhaps the old wounds would not fester for so many years. If my memory is selective in that it chooses to remember the good things which I received and forget the bad, then perhaps my heart would be at peace.
6:16 PM
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One of the more memorable movies which I've watched. The child actor, i can't remember his name is incredible. Anyhow, the concept goes, to do a good deed to 3 persons. The people who received the good deed does another good deed to 3 other persons, so it cascades till everyone is touched by generosity and kind acts.
I could afford to resume yoga classes again. Yesterday I went for my 2nd class after stopping for 8 months since being without a job. My guru Manoj asked me to stay back after class because he wanted to talk to me. I did. He asked about my wellbeing and my absence from classes. I told him of my financial situation, and that I recently begun as a hawker. Sales are still slow and I have to watch my expenses. He immediately offered to give me free classes for the next 3 months as long as I enjoy yoga. I said " I could not impose on him." You see, one of things that I missed doing since being jobless, was yoga. Then i started sobbing uncontrollably. Of which typical of a yogi he said "take deep breaths". The sobs continued till after i walked out of class.
I'm touched by his kindness, generosity, selflessness. I think that is what a true guru is, extending knowledge to others, without asking for anything back. This is greatness, when one is in the position to give and help, you just do it.
I am consciously following my guru's example, and extend kindness, love and support to others. Today, i took my helper to see a doctor. I donated all my leftover food to a home for the mentally ill.
I am paying it forward. As long as i'm in the position to help, I will.
9:51 PM
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Today 25/10/09, I survived my first week of being a Nasi Lemak, Penang nyonya style hawker!
My article, a letter which I wrote out of gratitude to all who have helped me, was published in Star Mag, Heart and Soul, Wingless Angels.
Here is a list of things which i've gladly given up to become a hawker.
I no longer wear black and white or grey suits to work. They are tight, stuffy, dull and uncomfortable. I've changed to a flowery apron, cotton t-shirts and loose slacks.
I have discarded my high heels and court shoes for fake Crocs, as they are comfortable and I won't slip or fall on slippery, wet, floor.
I don't paint my face anymore with thick foundation or two way cake (to appear like a porcelain doll), instead my face has a natural glow from sweat, grease and is splattered with chilli, turmeric and curry.
I don't smell of perfume, citrus, pine, flowery or spicy, yet i find, i do smell more exotic, yes, of prawn paste (belacan)!
My colleagues are no longer company directors, CEOs, CMOs, COOs. They have become indian food seller, coconut juice seller, pan mee, chicken rice, bak kut teh, cantonese fried, poh pia/rojak, yong tau fu and fish head curry cooks!
I don't face the computer 9 hours a day anymore, but I face a hot wok! My eyes no longer strain. But my face is red and flushed! I'm so hot!
I don't sit in a freezing air condition room, wearing a winter coat as most offices turn on the air condition at full blast, contributing to green effect! I turn on a propeller fan and receive natural breeze from a well ventilated kitchen.
I no longer lie in bed awake from anxiety and guilt, worrying about what to say to an employee whom my boss intends to fire because of incompetence, knowing that this man may lose his bread and butter and a family to feed.
Instead, I sleep soundly now, because my conscience is clear, and I'm simply too tired!
Being a boiterous person, I'm no longer told to hold my voice in check and tone down. Instead I can laugh out loudly now, or sing to the tunes of Harry Belafonte as I cook!
I don't have to be ready with answers, solutions and opinions. It's good for a change to be less arrogant and just listen. For, as i bite my humble pie and ask for help, so many strangers have come forth. They have become my friends.
Today, when i excitedly wanted to share my article with a customer, i was looked upon with disdain, and with a gesture like swatting of a fly, i was told to leave. I pray to be more sensitive to treat sales men, hawkers, people asking for donation with more respect and patience. Just listen to what they have to say, they too need to earn a living.
My life has become more simple and I thank god for this refreshing change!
8:29 PM
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I’ve come to believe that angels come in all shapes, without wings. It takes gratitude to experience and know that they’re around.
I just embarked on my own little business selling nasi lemak and nyonya curries. I’ve received so much encouragement, kind words, equipment, physical help from so many people. I’ve lead a pretty much “secluded” life. My partner Jules, who is blessed and surrounded by friends has spilled over his blessings to me. My family is god send and I think it was good karma that I’ve been lucky to be my parent’s daughter and my brother and sister’s sister.
Jules helped in setting up my stall and it is through his connection that I managed to get this much sought of space.

On my first day, my father and brother were present to serve and help. I had a trial on Friday upon my brother’s suggestion – that was clever and my rice turn out to be too soggy. Jules’ colleague Stania called at 9 am to ask if she, Sarah and Fiona could come over to help me out. Then Stania said “but I can’t get up at 9am!”. They came for brunch and were my cheer leaders. I forgot to mention Jules’ best friend Carmen and Koi who generously gave me a large rice cooker, a food warmer, friendship and advice on how to cook nasi lemak and pricing. Carmen and Koi came as well on my first day and give constructive criticism on the rice. I sold out on my first and second day. In Jules absence, we rented a room to a friend Irene. She has been my confidant and extended in this 2 weeks her friendship. She has taken care of the house, walk the dogs, did my laundry. Her company has comforted me.
I’ve met several very good people in the aunties who sell food around the Food Court. They are Aunty Linda who sells drinks, she’s in her 60’s. She works with her sister who is ill. She has a skinny small frame but under that frame is a giant! A heart so generous, kind, helpful and she is physically strong. She has advised me on the code of conduct, helped me to set up my parasol, advised me on government bureaucracy and checked on me daily. On setting up the parasol, there’s a technique to it. I was literally covered by the parasol and fell on my butt from the weight. There’s an another aunty who sells pork stew in her 70’s. She’s beautiful and well groomed. She advised me not to order drinks on behalf of customers as this would anger all the other drinks sellers. (drinks are territorial). She taught me countless things and introduced me to a good chicken seller. Yesterday, I watched across my stall, as she gently caressed the face of an old man seated beside her. I walked over to her and she introduced her husband. There’s another aunty who sells poh piah and she’s been checking on me too with advice. She told me of a former old lady who sold delicious nyonya rice dumplings and asked me to learn from my mother and live on the legacy. There's a sister Chin who sells noodles. She's given me several contacts for carpenters, electricians, locksmith.
The customers who came over and bought my food have been kind as well. One thing I’ve noticed is that they simply like walking into my kitchen and checking out what’s cooking, lifting wok covers.
I’ve not felt safer here than when I was in the corporate world.
My earnings for now may be slightly less than what it was. Yet, at the end of the day, after cooking a delicious dish, I feel blessed.
Thank you to all my wingless angels. You’re god send.
Sunday November 8, 2009
Touched by article
I STUMBLED upon the article, Wingless angels (Heart & Soul, StarMag, Oct 25), and will now be reading more of your stories in your magazine because of it. I just want to say thanks for publishing the story that Lily wrote.
It was very touching; my heart goes out to the people mentioned in the article.
Lily is a good writer, and I want so much for her to make it! It’s nice to see that the compassion she and the others show towards one another is very much alive in the human spirit.
John, Texas
United States
10:56 PM
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My Poetry
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If my breast could speak, they would say,
“Please don’t ogle.”
“Look at my face when I speak to you.”
“They are called breasts, not boobs, tits, boobies, tata’s, headlights, jugs?”
If my breasts could think, they would ask for,
Acceptance, despite whatever size and shape they come in.
Strawberries, peaches, coconut or papaya.
If my breasts could feel, they would long for,
Tenderness, through self love.
If my breasts could hear, let these be the words (especially from my mate),
You are beautiful, as nature have made you to be.
If my breasts had an ambition, it would surely be,
To nurse my little baby, suckling happily on my nipples
Knowing that they bring comfort to another little being,
Instead of being ornamental or a disappointment.
If my breasts had a choice, they would choose to be,
Healthy and normal.
In conjunction with Breasts Cancer Week.
Bless the hearts of those who have survived.
6:08 PM
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My friend and I wanted to have a day by the sea. We chose to go to Krabi, at the East Coast south Thailand. We have heard of its pristine blue waters and of course the nearby Phi Phi Island, made famous by Leonardo di Caprio.
We stayed at Sekusit Resort located at the farthest end of the beach resort. The beaches are about 45 minutes drive from the airport. All hotels are built opposite the beaches. There is a long dyke separating the beach from the streets.
We paid for a seaview room, which isn't the case. The room was on the fourth floor and there is no lift. (I twisted my ankle just 2 weeks before the trip). Since the room was prepaid we could not get a refund. Thus I endured the stairs and a somewhat blocked seaview room. The garden view room overlooked a row of potted plants and wall fence to the neighbour's.

We were famished and asked a tut tut to take us to a restaurant which sells good Thai food. We spent about RM 45 for lunch consisting very thick coconut green curry (mild), a small plate of fried morning glory and fruit juice. This is pricier than Malaysia. For dinner we splurged on seafood at a restaurant facing the beach. The venue was lovely because it was breezy. But the food was over priced and disappointing. The portion of pepper crabs which we ordered was very small and cost about RM 30, it was served with the shells covering the platter. So we did not see the tiny bits of crab underneath. I can't remember the rest of the food except the bill at RM 80! We rented a motorbike to move around on the second day. It was the coolest Vespa I've ever seen.
Personally I found Krabi a disappointment. The entire coastal line is dotted with hotels and rows of stalls selling clothes, collectibles, items for tourist. The food is pricey. I could not find authentic Thai food, not even from the road side stalls. The cheapest food from the local hawkers cost about RM 5, similar to KL standard but with a smaller serving. There were many stalls selling Thai pancakes with a variety of fillings like banana and chocolate, cheese, tuna, ham. The pancakes are similar to our local roti canai. The fruit shakes are good especially banana shake..

The beach and the sea is slightly polluted. We stayed for 2 nights.
We came accross a resort which gave us a culture shock. It appeared like an apartheid community for caucasians.

On our 3rd day we went to Phi Phi Island. It was another shock for us The whole beach front is covered by shops! Our hotel was within walking distance from the pier. Our hotel Phi Phi Island Resort cost about RM 175 a night. It was seaview as well but below my window lies zink roofs of rows and rows of shops. We have to look further accross the roofs to see the sea/coast.

We took a half day snorkelling trip which cost RM 45 per person. The water was blue and clear. We snorkelled off an island before stopping over at Monkey Beach. The corals and marine life isn't too bad. (i'm lost of words as I've seen better corals and marine life in Redang and Lang Tengah Island off Malaysian waters). Approaching Monkey Beach was an adventure. We had to swim about 5 meters to get to the island. The sea became choppy as a storm was approaching. 2 meters from the island, there were roped tied to the clift. We have to hoy ourselves up to the clift. Then climb a rope ladder. The waves would either pull our body away from the clift of slap us against the rocks. My partner asked me to brace myself for the next wave to carry me to the clift.
After reaching the top of the clift which was about 1 storey high, we had to walk through a small jungle which lead to a hidden beach and a lagoon. It was beautiful. I was reminded of the Blue Lagoon. This is wear Leonardo Di Caprio was filmed in the movie Beach.
There was a slight sand storm because of the approaching storm.
We returned to our fishing boat. The sea became more rough. After climbing down the clift, I had to pull myself over the 2 meters of rope to avoid getting slapped against the rocks. Moving with the waves helped.
The boat ride was rocky at certain parts of the sea and we were drenched from the constant waves splashing into our boat.
On our last day, we were running out of money. We stayed at a budget hotel on Krabi. It cost only RM 50 and it has all the facilities of a 3* hotel. It was clean, it had a fridge and a save to keep your valuables. Seven Eleven is a life saver when your funds are short. My friend bought a rice patty burger and you can help yourself to all the salad as filling. There were packed boxes of noodles and fried rice which we bought for lunch and breakfast.
We spent RM 2000 for a five day trip which could have cost less if we had gone to the East Coast of Malaysia.
10:10 PM
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I just enjoyed my experience having a store at Arts for Grabs. It was my first time. I felt embraced by a vibrant energy of young, enthusiastic people who have so much potential, creativity, drive and passion about them! Some of the stalls were so original and surely, the things were made with love and care.
I was particularly impressed with the work of this group of young women, who created a Pasar Malam in miniature.

There were t-shirts with whacky messages for sale.

There were more t-shirts with the artists original drawings.
There was a poet selling poetry on the spot!

A box of ideas were sold out like hot cakes.
There were beautiful woven fabrics made into bags by a group of indigineous Burmese refugee. UN is helping to promote their work to give them a source of income. There were two stalls selling food, one homemade sushi, the other homemade pricey jam and cookies. Amateur artist displaying art
9:24 PM
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I decided to change the display of the toys to make them more attractive.
The "Old Friends" who were reunited at my store.
My Sales Promoter who got all the characters mixed up.

After a hard day's work.

A happy customer who wanted to take a photo with the toys.
8:21 PM
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Chubi – Chubi toys participated in Arts for Grabs at Central Market on 27 & 28 August 2009. The toys welcomed a new friend into their group Nana the Elephant.
Visitors who came over to my store were curious about the toys being made out of socks and gloves. Someone remarked “I hope I won’t be smelling “your” feet.” A college Art Director asked if I would like to run a workshop on creating toys with recycled material.
Another lady from a restaurant asked if she could write or produce a film about my idea of using everyday material and recycling things to create toys. A group of ladies who were old friends and had not seen each other for 10 years, bumped into each other in front of my store. After several photo sessions at my store and knocking over my toys over and over again, they invited me to join their society which promotes local crafts.

I took a photo with a happy customer who bought Chiku. There was this little girl of 4, who bought Kuntum, and kept coming over to my store. Each time she came, Kuntum put on a new accessory, 1st a flower pin, then a ski cap, then a large rose pinned to the cap!
5:23 PM
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I've decided to leave the corporate world. I feel so lucky to be granted a cosy store at the Food Court in PJ Old Town, on Jalan Othman. I've painted my little kitchen a pretty pink/peach and printed with lacey/lady's fingers design. My store is number 52, the cosiest and prettiest. I promise to cook with love.
I am selling a Nasi Lemak combination with spicy food cooked in nyonya style recipe.
You can sample authentic Penang nyonya food at a fraction of what you will pay at a restaurant.

I am serving acar-awak, otak-otak, gulai-tumis ikan, sambal udang, chicken curry kapitan and kerabu sayur paku. First 2 days promotion, sample 3 dishes for the price of ONE!
OPENING DATE SUNDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2009. My food is MSG free, as all sweetness comes from the food itself. I don't serve pork too.
Location map:
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4:40 PM
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Little Penang is a bazaar of sorts held every last Sunday of the month. It is held at upper Penang Road, opposite the grand E&O hotel.
I participated in the bazaar last August, featuring my creation of soft toys, Chubi-Chubi. They were enthusiastically received by the Penang folk and tourist. My store was set right beside the stage. There was entertainment throughtout the day from Temple of Fine Arts, a Scots lady with a soprano voice who is multi-lingual, a Capoeira performance, a Rap Group and a loud band.
The table beside mine, sold expensive good books and massage equipment and a reasonably cheap price. The lady manning the store turned out to be my ex-colleague.

The store behind me is manned by a representative from the Spice Garden, a restaurant and gift shop in Teluk Bahang. She is so resourceful, using a hammer to break her coconut and scraping the coconut. She demonstrated her cooking skills and some recipes.

Another interesting store was a costume jewelry store with accessories made out of bra hooks. That is originality! I did not expect to get free sewing tips/classes from my "fairy godmother" mentor. This older lady suddenly approached my store, walked behind it and stood behind me as I sewed. Then she began to correct my less neat stitches. Before I knew it, she was sewing and teaching me different forms of stitching and how to hide the thread.
It was a day of Receiving and Blessings. I got a business proposal for the Chubi-Chubi Toys. Yay!
1:14 PM
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I encountered Melissa, a 6 year old dutch little girl in the woods in Rotterdam.
I was sitting quietly one summer afternoon under a tree to meditate. Melissa was taking a walk with her parents in the woods as well and simply crept up towards me and sat beside me. When I opened my eyes, I was surprised to see her sitting beside me, watching me. "What are you doing" she asked. "I'm meditating". She did not understand but smiled and went on her way. I walked towards the river bank to do my yoga asanas. Melissa happened to be there as well and once again approached me. "What are you doing now?". "I'm practising yoga." "oh, can I join you?" And together we did several yoga asanas. After that, we got bored and proceeded to the pier. We played for a while together,lying on our bellies on the pier to draw circles in the water, spelling out each other's names. She did several cart wheels and i copied with clumsy somersaults. We were oblivious to the adults drinking beers who sat in a row of tables in a cafe facing the pier. I was just totally myself, playing, carefree with this lovely child. I was present with Melissa and the experience of being present left me with serenity and joy.
Melissa's parents wanted to go home. Before she left, she said "Can you be my friend and may we meet again?" I did not see her again. But, she has left her mark in my heart. I was touched by an angel.
1:11 PM
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“I believe the recipe for happiness to be just enough money to pay the monthly bills you acquire, a little surplus to give you confidence, a little too much work each day, enthusiasm for your work, a substantial share of good health, a couple of real friends and a wife and children to share life's beauty with you.” -- J. Kenfield Morley
"I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves." -- Karl Wilhelm Von Humboldt
"We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world." -- Helen Keller
"You will find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others? Half the battle is gained if you never allow yourself to say anything gloomy." -- Lydia M. Child
1:09 PM
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"Your hopes, dreams and aspirations are legitimate. They are trying to take you airborne, above the clouds, above the storms, if you only let them." -- William James
“Hope is the companion of power, and mother of success; for who so hopes strongly has within him the gift of miracles.” -- Samuel Smiles
"Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again." -- Sarah Ban Breathnach
"Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have is not permanent." -- Mignon McLaughlin
12:55 PM
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Health articles
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To this day, banana is known for promoting healthy digestion and creating a feeling of youthfulness. They help promote the retention of calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen - all of which then work to build sound and regenerated tissues. Banana also contains invert sugar, which is an aid to youthful growth and metabolism.
Intestinal Disorder
The banana is used as a dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and blandness. It is the only raw fruit which can be eaten without distress in chronic ulcer cases. It neutralizes the over-acidity of the gastric juices and reduces the irritation of the ulcer by coating the lining of the stomach. Ripe banana are highly beneficial in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, being bland, smooth, easily digestible and slightly laxative. They relieve acute symptoms and promote the healing process.
Constipation and Diarrhea
Banana are of great value in constipation and diarrhea as they normalize colonic functions in the large intestine to absorb large amounts of water for proper bowel moments. Their usefulness in constipation is due to their richness in pectin, which is water-absorbent and this gives them a bulk producing ability. They also possess the ability to change the bacteria in the intestines - from the harmful type of bacilli to the beneficial acidophilus bacilli.
Mashed banana together with little salt is a very valuable remedy for dysentery. Ripe bananas are also very useful in dysentery of children, but they should be thoroughly mashed and beaten to cream before use in these cases.
Arthritis and Gout
Bananas are useful in the treatment of arthritis and gout. A diet of bananas only for three or four days is advisable in these conditions. The patient can be given to eat eight or nine bananas daily during this period and nothing else.
Being high in iron content, bananas are beneficial in the treatment of anemia. They stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood.
The fruit is very useful for those who are allergic to certain foods and who suffer in consequence from skin rashes or digestive disorders or asthma. Unlike other protein foods, many of which contain an amino-acid which these persons cannot tolerate and which causes allergy. bananas contain only benign amino-acids which in most cases are not allergic. The fruit, however, does cause allergic reactions in certain sensitive persons and they should avoid it.
Kidney Disorders
Bananas are valuable in kidney disorders because of their low protein and salt content and high carbohydrate content. They are useful in uremia, a toxic condition of the blood die to kidney congestion and dysfunction. In such cases, a diet of bananas should only be taken for three to four days, consuming eight to nine bananas a day. This diet is suitable for all kidney troubles, including nephritis.
Urinary Disorders
Juice from banana stem is a well-known remedy for urinary disorders. It improves the functional efficiency of kidney and liver thereby alleviating the discomforts and diseased condition in them. It clears the excretion organs in the abdominal region of toxins and helps to eliminate them in the form of urine. It has been found to be of great help in the treatment for the removal of stones in the kidney, gall bladder, and prostate. It is advisable to mix this juice whenever possible with the juice of ash pumpkin.
A diet consisting of bananas and skimmed milk is considered an effective remedy for weight reduction. In prescribed course of diet treatment, the daily diet is restricted to six bananas and four glasses of skimmed milk or buttermilk made from skimmed milk for a period of 10 to 15 days. Thereafter green vegetables may be introduced gradually, reducing the intake of bananas from six to four. This regimen or prescribed course of diet treatment can be continued till the desired results are achieved. Bananas are suitable for overweight people as they contain practically no sodium.
Menstrual Disorders
Cooked banana flower eaten with curd is considered an effective medicine for menstrual disorders like painful menstruation and excessive bleeding. Banana flower helps increase progesterone hormone which reduces the bleeding.
Burns and wounds
A plaster is prepared by beating a ripe banana into a fine paste. It can be spread over burns and wounds and supported by a cloth bandage. It gives immediate relief. The young tender leaves of banana tree form a cool dressing for inflammations and blisters.
Shoe Shine
Use the inside of the banana skin and rub on your shoe.
Make a banana milkshake mix wt. honey. It eases the stomach.
Mosquito bite
Try rubbing the bite area with the inside of the banana skin.
Kicking off Smoking
Bananas contain vitamin B6, B12, potassium and magnesium which can help smokers overcome nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Take a piece of banana skin, the outside (yellow) part, and plaster it on the wart for several days.
5:30 PM
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I recently spilled a bottle of fountain pen ink on our terrazo floor. I searched and found some useful tips to remove the stain. I managed to remove 50% of the ink. The floor is still partially gray/blue.
• For permanent marker stains on hard surfaces like tile and concrete, try nail polish remover. Be sure to use it judiciously on treated tile (like terrazzo flooring) or you may mar the finish.
• Use hairspray to remove ballpoint pen marks from clothing. Simply spray it on the stain and wash in cold water. The garment may need to be washed a couple of times so check to see that the ink spot is gone before putting the item in the dryer where the heat will set it permanently. If you don't have hairspray handy, try rubbing alcohol.
• Magic Eraser is a lifesaver for many ink stains. I once successfully removed ink spots from a black Sharpie permanent marker after one of my son's demonstrated his artistic inspiration on a solid wood table.
• Bug spray removes stubborn ink stains from walls and other painted surfaces.
• For ink stains on leather furniture and clothing, spray a paper towel or soft cloth with some WD-40 and wipe the stain lightly. Repeat several times until the ink is gone.
• If you've accidentally gotten ink on an LCD or flat-panel monitor screen, try rubbing carefully with a pencil eraser. This trick seems to be particularly effective on mishaps with a Sharpie or other permanent marker.
5:10 PM
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My father has been talking about having a dog for the past 3 months. He wanted a pedigree, with MKA certificate, microchip and the commercial works.
It became a family project and in April, my brother, dad, mum and I went to a pet shop to check out 3 beagle puppies. My brother played with a puppy on his lap. After leaving the pet shop, his hands broke out with rashes. So we decided it's better that he did not have a dog. But Pa was keen in having one and did his research on several breeds, beagle and jack russell.
My partner and I were against his buying and encouraged him to adopt from the SPCA. We almost adopted a pure breed black English Labrador from a pet rescuer. But she gave the dog to a man while we were on vacation. We were so disappointed. Then we went to the SPCA and PAWS. I adopted a terrier/jack russell about 10 days ago and named him Milo. He was attacked by our first dog Buffy last Sunday. Both dogs wanted my attention and when Milo came too close, Buffy pounced on him. Since then, he has taken second place in the household and avoids being in the same room with Buffy. I think I made a mistake in not explaining to Buffy about Milo's presence, thus it invaded her space. It was like sibling rivalry between Buffy and Milo.

He had a traumatic first week in his new home. I overlooked and was not told by PAWS that he was recently castrated. Upon collecting him on the first day, I took him to a pet groomer. The pet groomer injured his right eye. When he came home, our dog Buffy confronted him. I subjected him to daily long walks and climbs on stairs. He must have been in so much pain. Poor lil' fellow. He has recovered and I am experiencing this lovely dog emerging.
Milo has beautiful, almond shape eyes, like a doe. He looks like a cross between a mogwai/teddy bear. He has very large, pointed ears, which are like antennas, popping up when he hears the familiar sounds of food and my voice.

He likes to run in wide fields. He behaves like a feline and likes to rub against me. He follows me like a duckling around the house. He sits with his back and butt toward Buffy. I bathed him for the first time today. He furiously rubbed off the shampoo against the wall. When I towel dried him, he rolled against the towel and became a doggy springroll. He is a delight to have around and I hope he will give my father much pleasure.
Pa, a dog for you on Fathers Day
4:30 PM
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I am enjoying our new house. The location is more conducive to living, within the suburds, cleaner and quiet. There are a row of shoplots opposite our house but luckily no kopitiam. (hawkers center). The only activity is a gas tank distributer, where you'll hear the daily loading of gas tanks onto the lorry.
My partner and I hosted a housewarming party for close friends. I made some local dishes, Penang style and the recipe borrowed from my mom. I made nasi lemak, sambal ikan bilis (anchovies chilli curry), sambal telur (hard boiled egg with chilli sauce), sayur paku salad. My brother bought a roast duck. We bought kurma chicken and fried vermicelli.

The dress code for everyone was to come in a sarong and some friends did. I realized how westernize we have become with friends bringing bottles of wine as gifts. Since when did Malaysians do that?
I think what makes a home are the people, especially having it filled with the laughter of friends and family!
11:59 AM
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We found you in a newspaper ad
And called the owner Mr Yee
May we see?
Your house?
He gave us the wrong address
So, we saw the wrong house
But like what we saw
And asked to see the rest...
We made an appointment
And waited at the wrong address
But eventually found Yee's house
Luckily it was not a disappointment!
The house was vashtu sastra compliant
To me it had a high and airy ceiling
It was bright and gave me a good feeling
We were pressed to decide, as there were two other clients.
Yes, two prospective tenants were there at Yee's place
They needed a house immediately.
We offered that they check out our place!
And drove them to our old house.
They like and was eveready
To rent our old house.
So there we have it a perfect house swap.
2:03 PM
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My Poetry
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The house is not spic and span
You will pick up a broom, duster and dustpan
With swift strokes, you begin to dust and sweep
You dream of a perfectly clean house, even in your sleep.
The kitchen towel is not hung in its place
A picture is crooked
An empty mug lies on the table
Everything has to be returned to its original place
Early every morning
The table is perfectly laid
With a sumptious breakfast
For your son, he has to eat first
Before he goes off to work
You are upset at the dog
Which has peed on your perfect lawn
Leaving behind a brown patch
Of which you will replace with a new green patch
When relatives intend to visit
You become a busy bee
Checking every corner of the house
Ensuring that the house is as neat as can be
When I was a child, running barefoot in the streets
I return to have you inspect
And scrub those filthy feet
Oh, Pa calls you the Foot Inspector!
You have to be amongst the earliest
And push your way through all the other shoppers
So that you don't miss a sale
Getting a bargain, you can't afford to fail.
When the traffic light is green
On the excelerator you will step
Your heart a pumping, full of adrenaline
For you must be ahead before the sign says stop.
Mama, the house is comfortable as it is
It doesn't have to be hygienically clean
A crooked picture acts character
Relatives come to see us
A neat house would not matter
I like my crack and dirty feet
For it means I've toiled in the garden
And so what if you miss the traffic light
It will give you time to ponder
A minute to relax and smile
At other frowning drivers
You don't need to prepare breakfast
On every single day
For we are overfed
And we can skip a day
Mama, relax
You have given enough
We all love you, even in a less than perfect home
For being perfect is way too tough
So, relax, dance and have a good laugh!
12:39 PM
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a) 1 tsp mustard seed
b) 1 tsp cumin powder
c) 1 tsp fennel powder
d) 3 tbsp of chilli paste
e) 1 bowl of ground shallots
f) 1 thumbsize of shrimp paste (belacan) pre-toasted
g) A few curry leaves
1 whole ripe pineapple cut into small pieces
You can substitute the pineapple with egg plant and cut them into rectangular pieces about 1inch x 2 1/2 inches
1 bowl of oil
1/2 palmful of tamarind presoak in 2 bowls of water
Heat oil
Fry mustard seed and curry leaves
Add item a-f and simmer under low fire till fragrant
Add tamarind juice without the seeds (this is according to how sour you would like the dish to be)
The consistency should be broth like.
Add salt and sugar for taste. This dish is quite sweet.
Add pineapple and cook to a boil for about 25 minutes. (till pineapple is soft).
Serves 6 persons
Can be kept in the freezer for about 2 months
9:40 PM
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Health articles
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Our breathing changes according to our emotions. Most of us do not breathe completely. When a person is angry or upset, the breath is shallow and increases. A calm person takes slower breaths and therefore deeper. Shallow breaths leaves stagnant air in the lower regions of your lungs which causes ill health.
Below is a list of breathing techniques for health and healing.
The Complete BreathEffect: Increases your lung capacity, helps to cleanse your blood and expand your chest cavity.
Position: You can stand, sit or lie on your back.
Inhale and fill the lower part of your lungs (expand your abdomen gently).
Continue inhaling and fill the upper portion of your lungs by expanding the upper part of your chest.
Fill the uppermost part of your lungs, slightly draw in your lower abdomen.
At the end of your inahlation, occationaly raise your shoulders to permit the air to enter the upper lobes of your lungs.
Retain your breath for as long you comfortably can.
Exhale slowly and contract your abdomen slightly.
The Cleansing BreathEffect: Beneficial before a meal and when you feel fatigued.
Exhale as deeply and as vigorously as possible.
Take a deep breath.
Exhale immediately through the nose as you contract your abdomen.
Repeat 5x. Resume normal breath.
Alternate Nostril BreathingEffect: Helps to calm you down, good for imsomnia.
Position your ring finger on your left nostril, middle and pointer finger folded on your nose, thumb on right nostril.
Close your right nostril with your thumb. Inhale deeply on left nostril to the count of 5. Retain the air for a count of 5 while closing both nostrils.
Close your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through the right nostril until all air is expelled (to the count of 8).
Keep your left nostril close and inhale again through the right nostril to the count of 5. Retain your breath to the same count and close both nostrils.
Close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.
Repeat slowly 5x.
Long exhalations will have a calming effect.
The Ha BreathEffect: This breath is revitalizing and recharges your body.
Stand with your legs aprt.
Inhale deeply, raing your arms up from each side until they are stretched above your head.
Throw the upper half of your body forward, bending from the waist, at the same time letting your arms fall forward and expelling the breath with a strong blast, making the sound HA.
Let your body hang loosely from the waist, arms swinging, head hanging as you repeat the ha sound several times.
Stand up slowly and repeat 2x.
The Waterfall BreathEffect: Deep relaxation.
Inhale deeply and with slight parted lips. As you inhale create a hissing kind of sound.
Retain your breath to a count of 6.
Exhale to a count of 6 with slightly parted lips.
Repeat as you wish.
The Bellows BreathEffect: Energizing and blood cleansing.
Sit with a straight back.
Inhale fully.
Exhale forcefully through the nose at the same time contract the abdomen and expel air with a powerful push from the diaphram and thrust from the throat.
When you release the contraction, your lungs will automatically take in air.
Gradually build up to ten rapid expulsions, after your last one, inhale deeply to fill your lungs with air, exhale slowly, and relax.
Source: A woman's book of yoga. A journal for health and self discovery by Louise Taylor.
6:34 AM
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1. Blow your nose correctly - Press your finger over one nostril while you blow gently to clear the other.
2. Rest well. Prop an extra pillow to elevate your head. This relives nose block.
3. Gargle - Mix a teasp of salt with warm water 4x daily. To reduce the tickle, try a type of tea containing tannin which tightens the membrane. Steep one tbsp of raspberry leaves or lemone juice in two cups of hot water, mix with one teasp of honey. Let the mixture cool to room temperature before gargling.
4. Drink hot liquids to prevent dehydration.
5. Take a steamy shower
6. Aromatherapy steam: Fill a deep bowl with boiling water and mix with 2 tbsp of chopped ginger or chamomile (3 tbsp). Or, add a salve i.e Vicks VapoRub to the hot water. Or, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a bowl of hot water. Cover your head with a towel as you breathe in the steam.
7. Hot chicken soup is a potent mucus stimulant especially if it's loaded with garlic, pepper, ginger and pungent spices.
8. Add raw garlic to your food- garlic has antimicrobial and immune stimulating properties.
9. Ginger also stimulates nerves that lead to mucus production. Ginger has an antioxidant effect and is anti-inflamatory.
10. Chilli peppers are a great source of capsacin, an antioxidant that also acts as a natural decongestant and expectorant.
6:26 AM
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Health articles
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Onion cough mixture
Chop a whole red onion more pungent or white less pungent (large)
Mix with 3 tbsp of brown sugar
Add a half cup of hot water
Stir the mixture and press to extract juice from onion
Drink syrup while still hot.
Lemon/honey/herb tea
Pour hot water over 2 teasp lemon rinds, 1 teasp sage, 1/2 teasp thyme (dried or fresh herbs).
Cover and steep for 15 mintues.
Strain tea then add juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 tbsp of honey.
Drink 2 - 3 cups daily.
Lemon/honey tea
1 teasp honey
1 tbsp lemon juice freshly squeezed
Stir mixture and drink immediately
6:10 AM
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I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, and my loving family for less grey hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed,or for buying that silly cement gecko on my patio. I am entitled to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant.
I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon before they understood the great freedom that comes with ageing.
Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4am and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those 40, 60, & 70's tune, and at the same time weep over a lost one.
I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set.
They too, will get old. I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things.
Sure over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broeken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.
I am so blessed to have live long enough to have my hair turning grey and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep groooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver.
As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don'[t question myself anymore. i've even earned the right to be wrong.
So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not wast time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if i feel like it).
Source: Newletter Sage, Penang - A Senior Citizens clubs, my mum is a member.
2:36 PM
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Handmade Craft
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Create a warm ambience in your home with these DIY tealight holders.
Any kind of short plain glass or colored glass
Hot stick glue
A dash of creativity!

These tealight holders are available for sale as well at RM 8 per piece.
4:39 PM
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To blend
3 tbsp chilli paste (depends on how hot you want it to be)
1 bowl of shallots
1 thumbsize shrimp paste (belacan) pre-roasted till crumbly
1 teaspoon turmeric powder or fresh turmeric
2 cloves garlic
7 pcs of daun limau perut slice finely
3 stalks of lemon grass
Salt to taste
2 eggs to beat together
1 cup of coconut milk
Salt to taste
700 grams of fish fillet - eg dory fish, de-bone, salmon, ikan ayam, tilapia.
Any type of meaty fish. Fish meat to slice in about 2inches long
Garnish with daun kaduk at the base. (Daun kaduk is a heart shape leaf, grows wild in the tropics in shady spots).

Mould - pour into little bowls or fold a pocket with banana leaves
Mix all ingredients. Then scoop about 1 to 2 pcs of fish fillet in a small bowl plus the mixture above.
Steam for about 10 minutes till cooked.
6:23 PM
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One bundle of fresh young "sayur paku" price about RM 1.Pre-blanch the fern in hot boiling water and quickly remove. Otherwise the fern will turn brown.
Sliced shallots about 1/3 bowl (rice bowl)
Ginger flower (bunga kantan) 1 piece thinly sliced
2 tablespoon dried shrimp pre soaked in hot water and pound
3 tablespoon of scraped coconut, fry till brown and fragrant on low fire and pound.
Sugar to taste
Lime juice to taste
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoon chilli paste (pounded)
1 thumbsize shrimp paste
To prepare sambal belacan (fresh chilli with shrimp paste).
Roast the shrimp paste till it becomes crumbly and dry.
Pound chilli and belacan together.
Add a pinch of salt.
Take a salad bowl and toss all these ingredients together.
6:18 PM
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15 large fresh green hot chilies
3 shallots, sliced
9 cloves garlic
1 tsp finely sliced fresh galangal
1 tbsp sliced fresh lemon grass
9 tsp finely sliced kaffir lime rind
1 tsp chopped coriander root
5 white peppercorns
1 tbsp roasted coriander seeds*
1 tsp roasted cumin seeds*
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp shrimp paste
1. Combine coriander seeds, cumin and peppercorn in a mortar, pound well. Transfer to a bowl and put aside.
2. Pound hot chilies and salt together well. Add the remaining ingredients except shrimp paste, pound until mixed well.
3. Add the cumin mixture and shrimp paste, continue pounding until smooth and fine.
Storage: In freezer for 3- 4 weeks
5:52 PM
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Note that measurements are not specific as in exact weight or litres.
A bowl - usually standard chinese rice bowl
A pinch for salt
A thumbsize - reference to shrimp paste
Shrimp paste or belacan in malay is fermented prawns. It appears like dark brown butter but smells like dead fish.

Pungent/strong. To use, cut a piece off and gently fry under slow fire until it crumbles to a powdery form. Please close the windows to your kitchen, otherwise the whole house/furniture will smell.
Suitable fish (ikan in malay):

Ikan kembung,
Ikan bawal hitam / putih

, salmon, tuna chunks, red snapper.
Recipe is for 700 grams of fish
Ingredients for the curry:
To blend together
1. A bowl of shallot (size of bowl rice bowl)
2. 3 tablespoon of ground chilli (dried) or chilli paste
3. 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (for color)
4. 1 thumbsize belacan
5. 3-4 stalks of lemon grass
6. Cooking oil about 3/4 bowl (mom says more oil makes the curry attractive).
7. Tamarind 3 tablespoon mix with 2 bowls of water
8. Sugar and salt to taste.
(Sugar creates a balance in the sourness of the tamarind)
9. Garnishing cut large onions in circles and ginger flower (bunga kantan).
1. Heat oil
2. Fry the blended ingredient on low fire until fragrant. You want to be able to see the oil separating from the ingredient.
3. Add tamarind juice - increase fire till everything boils. Add sugar and salt to taste.
4. Add fish and garnishing (onions & ginger flower). Allow to cook for about 10 minutes or till fish is cooked.
MMMMMmmm! Mom is beside me now as I write.